Concept Art

These are some examples of some anatomy work I've done, on my portfolio is more examples of life drawing and hand studies I've done, I do these as consistently as I can to try and always improve.

Concept Art

Here is my concept sketch art:

Face Designs

So the first thing I did was draw 12 different heads, different face shapes, eye shapes, mouth shapes and hairstyles. After that I got league of legends players to look at them and some of the people on my course. Surprisingly the feedback was very similar, the people on my course only got mood-boards to look at so they chose on more of a design front, the league players chose based on their knowledge of the game, yet all of them liked the eyes of 6, 10 and 12, the hair of 9, 10 and 12 and the face of 1, 6 and 10. With this information I then developed these designs further and did combinations, so the first row is the face of 6, second row, face of 1 and third face of 10. The columns are then divided into the first row is eyes of 10, second column is the eyes of 12 and the last column is the eyes of 6. The overall favourite was 6 (with less sad eyebrows, was in the feedback from one person) and so I then drew up a bust turn around.
Having designed the characters face I then did an emotion sheet which will help an animator to get her facial reactions and emotions consistent. I also struggled a bit when drawing the neck and shoulders so I drew a study of myself to make sure I get that as close to real as I can.

Helmet Designs

After that I started on the helmets. As I don't frequently draw armour part of this project is to get me to broaden my drawing skills so after designing the character the rest of the concept art took me a bit longer than expected, as I found it harder than originally I first thought it would be. But I managed. I got 10 designs done and went through the same process again. This time the feedback was mixed, the animators/designers preferred helmets that looked prettier, the league players preferred some that looked nice but mainly they wanted the more sturdy looking ones. So I drew some developed designs of the ones deemed pretty to see if I could make them a little more practical looking. I then asked for feedback again and it was a unanimous vote for helmet 1. (Right Image)

Lance designs

I then moved onto Lances. I drew a lot of inspiration from the concept art book for monster hunter as well as my mood-boards for these designs and very quickly found myself out of ideas, as there's only so much you can change on essentially a pole with a handle. But I got there, I was determined I was going to get at least 10 and managed 12. The feedback had the same results as the helmet, designers wanted pretty and the league players wanted practical, so again I went for a happy medium, 8 and 12 were the favourites, so I altered 12 a bit along the lines of 8 and came up with the final design that will hopefully satisfy both audiences.

Shield Designs

Then came the designing of the shield, I designed the lance first as people are going to take more of an interest in the lance than the shield so, now I can design the shield based off the lance. I did a page of shields and got league players to look at it, again with agreement on which 2 they liked and what they merge, I created said merged design as a final design.

Armour Designs

For the armour designs I looked at real armour, league of legends armour and armour from the game series monster hunter. I wanted my amour to be believable so I kept the real armour images always to hand, the league images were to help me focus on the style but the monster hunter images were for inspiration, their designs have such range it was an amazing source for inspiration and as such helped me come up with 8 very different designs. Once I got to 8 I went through my usual process, 1 and 4 were the favourites but 4 won over more so in the final design phase I only altered it slightly. 

Final Armour Design

Here is my final design, after designing 8 and going through the process of asking people which they liked and why I then combined to make this final design. The non-league players preferred the designs that looked more appealing, the league players preferred the designs that looked more practical so I combined the practical elements with some of the more design elements to create this final design, which should appeal to both audiences. Now I have these final designs I will be taking them to photoshop to clean up and add colour and think about materials and textures.

Photo Reference

For the artwork I plan to do for my character I decided to take reference photos to try and get as accurate a pose as possible. I have both a female and a male pose as I need reference of the female frame however the male model was more sporty and could achieve the pose I had in mind, so using both his pose and her frame I should get the desired pose. I booked out the university's sound stage to get good lighting and brought along my own camera and tripod. 

I have video footage of the session. It starts with me taking a T-Pose turn around of my model for drawing reference. Then it goes on to show the male model trying to show my model how to get to the pose I wanted.

And here are the photos I got from the session:

I wasn't happy with the pose when drawing it in photoshop so I took another set of photos at home and will be using a mixture of the two for pose and lighting reference.

Digital Work

Hair Colours

I did some hair colours as samples before committing to a colour, I wanted to make sure it suited the character. I got such mixed feedback that in the end I had to just go with what suited my character the most.

Dark Brown                      

Mid Brown
Light Brown 




For me it was a choice between the mid brown, blonde and ginger. I did consider the blue, as a few League champions do have blue hair, but in the end I felt it didn't suite the character very well. I went for blonde as I felt this was in keeping with the character and the themes I had established early on. Also with the colour schemes I have in mind for the armour, the blonde suits both.

Armour Colour Schemes

To start with I got the front view of my character and plotted in which areas should differ in colour. Just to clarify, all the areas in one colour may not necessarily be the same colour as each other, for example the green areas will be a dark colour than the other areas, the gold areas will just be lighter colours than other areas. I did this so at a glance I could see what worked better, more colours, or less.

I decided that more colours looked more appealing, the image on the left although more close to the colours of real armour, is too bland for a game character. With this in mind, I went on to try out different colour combinations. 

Colour Schemes

I already had in mind a vague idea of what I wanted, and I couldn't go too wild with the colours as I am aiming to make the armour believable, which is easier to achieve with more realistic colours. 





I went for the colour scheme of #01 as I felt this suited the style the most. I altered a few smaller areas of colour when drawing it up for the turn around. Here is the final turn around of the armour, shield and lance:

Here is the splash art I painted, first time trying the style, it was a lot harder than I had thought it would be, but I have finally finished and for now I am happy with the results. (Sorry for the watermarks, have to be careful putting my art online)

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