Character Profile

Character Profile

Name: Inaya
Age: 24
Sex: female

Short description: Young woman who trained with a lance to be in the military. Due to an event that happened while in service she was promoted to join the League of Legends.

Biography: Inaya was in a cavalry unit, Noxus ambushed and relied on them being caught off guard and unable to win. Inaya was knocked off her horse, she recovered amongst the chaos and seeing her unit under attack and her horse dead, she grabbed her only weapon, her lance, and ripped off a plate of her horses armour to use as a shield and charged head first, her weapon seemingly inhuman to wield without a horse to aid her, she charged and impaled the enemy leader taking out anyone who stood in her path, inspiring her comrades who then destroyed the enemy unit. Jarvan III then heard of her bravery and gave her a commendation and saw to it that she was made a champion of the league to help Demacia’s struggle against Noxus. Once asked to join the league and realising she would now be on foot, she had her horses armour melted down into a shield and her plate mail.

  • auto attack: Jab with lance
  • Critical attack: slam with lance

Passive: Inaya's range is based on her max health when Inaya is at full health, she benefits from bonus auto attack and spell range when reduced to half health, Inaya's range is lowered down to base.

Jungle order: Blue, Red, Wraiths then gank.

  • Q: Passive: reduces armour per hit and deals bonus attack damage to a cap of 3 stacks.
Active: Charge! - charges to select enemy and if the enemy hits terrain at the end of the charge both Inaya and the target are suppressed for 1 second if the target is a champion. Minions will not be suppressed.
17 second Cool Down – reduces to 13 seconds
Points – Increase damage, minor Cool Down reduction
  • W: Chivalry, grant armour and magic resist, plus speed increase for 6 seconds. Based on 50% of current armour and magic resist with a minimum of 30.
12 second Cool Down
Points – Last skill, increase speed
  • E: Hilt/Shield, an enemy on Inaya's left would get knocked back by the shield, or if on Inaya's right, knocked back by the hilt of the lance.
14 second Cool Down – reduces to 8 seconds
Points – Increase in damage and minor Cool Down reduction
  • R: Impale, Inaya  charges until she hits the target location, anyone in the way gets hit and once the target location is hit, everyone hit is stunned. If just the one target is hit, the stun lasts 3 seconds, however, the duration shortens for each additional person hit en route by half a second.
90 second Cool Down – reduces to 75 seconds
Points – Increase damage and minor Cool Down reduction

Clothing: medieval armour crossed with fantasy

Personality, Characteristics and mannerisms: Quite a strong person in terms of personality, she's seen a lot most people couldn't cope with, being in the military. She does, somehow, have a good sense of humour, possibly the only thing that kept her and her comrades going through tough times. She has a strong sense of leadership, which is what got her promoted so quickly through her military career. She has a military posture, back straight, her mannerisms can border on typically male mannerisms from spending so much time around male company in service.

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